Dave Nassaney

My name is Dave Nassaney and I help caregivers to not just survive, but to THRIVE. As a caregiver since 1996, I understand the pain and frustration of caregiving. I teach caregivers who are taking care of their loved ones (due to an illness or disability) how to take care of themselves FIRST.
Why am I so qualified to be “The Caregiver’s Caregiver” you might ask? Well, as I have mentioned, I am (and have been) a caregiver to my beautiful wife, Charlene, for over 2 decades, when she suffered a massive stroke that left her severely speech impaired and paralyzed on the right side. Take advantage of my FREE INITIAL COACHING CALL. Schedule it at https://CaregiverDave.com/coaching-programs/
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As seen on TV
Dave is a passionate, award-winning speaker, a best-selling author, and hosts a syndicated radio show heard in all 50 states and 135 countries. He has appeared on 35 morning shows (NBC, CBS, ABC and FOX) all across the Nation, from Washington, DC to Honolulu, Hawaii; and has also spoken at many prestigious venues — sharing the stage with celebrities such as Suzanne Somers, Martha Stewart, Ice ‘T’, and many more.