Monthly Archives: November 2014


Your loved one’s care does not always take place in hospitals, or nursing homes, or doctors’ offices, or medical clinics. Most care actually occurs in the home – and that’s a good thing. People are healthier at home and health care costs are reduced.

Caregivers, Put Your Own Mask On First

We have all boarded an airplane to fly somewhere only to have the flight attendants direct our attention to the video explaining their emergency procedures. They usually go on to say, “In the unlikely event of a loss in cabin pressure, your oxygen masks will fall from the compartment above your seat. Reach up and […]

Caregivers, Don’t Wait Till Someone Gets Killed

Is your mom or dad still driving, even though they are exhibiting signs of dementia or Alzheimer’s? You are not alone! The hardest thing to do with elderly parents is to take away their last form of independence, their car.