Monthly Archives: June 2017

Self-Care for Depressed Caregivers

Depression is a common disorder, affecting almost one in five people of all age groups and both genders at any time. This means that even if you are lucky enough never to suffer from it yourself, at some stage and to some extent you may need to care for someone with depression.

What You Can Do to Avoid Caregiver Burnout

As much as you love the person in your life who has Alzheimer’s disease, taking care of them can be stressful. People with the condition often need help for decades rather than a few months or years, says Mary G. Austrom, PhD, an expert on caregivers and Alzheimer’s disease at the Indiana University School of […]

Caregiver Burnout: Finding your Balance and Managing the Stress

Even the most dedicated caregiver is prone to periods of burnout every now and then. It’s completely normal. Taking care of others, even those who need minimal assistance is a great responsibility and stress is to be expected. The best way to avoid burnout is to recognize its signs and take steps to decompress before the […]

Caregiver Burnout Prevention

There are people out in the world who devote their lives day in and day out to taking care of a disabled or chronically ill family member or friend. Taking care of someone each and every day can become exhausting and overwhelming. If the stress of this accumulates and builds up over time, you will find that […]

How do you Battle Caregiver Burnout?

Your loved one is sick or aging. Perhaps it is your parent or your spouse, or even a close friend who has no one else. You feel that the right thing to do is to care for him or her full-time, and you diligently take on the role of primary caregiver, devoting your days and […]