Monthly Archives: February 2018

Fitness at 50+ — Five Barriers You Can Beat

While exercise is often touted as a fountain of youth, it often gets harder to do as you get older. Physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) physicians, also called physiatrists, are doctors who restore and maintain function lost due to injury, illness and age-related conditions such as osteoporosis, arthritis, joint replacements or stroke.

How To Keep Your Loved Ones Independent

INDEPENDENCE AND AGING Being Independent and aging is not an easy task. With aging, the health and independence of our parents take a back seat. And they seem to become increasingly dependent on others for their daily tasks. Illness and accidents can cause a sudden loss of independence. And make your parents feel hopeless and […]

How a Daughter Helped Her Mom Face Death

“I have a question for you, Aim,” Mom said from her blue La-Z-Boy. “How did you stay so positive during everything you went through?” This takes me by surprise. “Uh, Prozac?” I joke, and she laughs.

Fall Risks for Older Adults

Activities that take place in the bathroom, such as showering and bathing, are a simple part of most peoples’ daily routine. Yet, slips in the tub and falls in the shower or from the toilet may cause serious injuries. CDC Research According to a new CDC study published in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report […]

Home Lighting Tips for Seniors Aging in Place

Just as it’s a good idea to adapt other parts of the house to accommodate the needs of older adults who want to age in place, it’s also best to upgrade the lighting in the home to make it a safer, more comfortable place to live. Here are some tips to help you create a […]