Monthly Archives: March 2018

Reading: the Antidote to Loneliness

They don’t ask for much – just a good story now and then. Sometimes, a lot of the time, they may not be able to ask, but you can see it in their eyes. Tired eyes that are saying “I can’t make out the words anymore.” Proud eyes that hate to say, “I’ve had a […]

Why Caregivers Refuse Help

Caregivers frequently feel stressed and many eventually become burned out—a condition that should not be taken lightly. Many caregivers, even when they have access to outside resources, still come up with excuses to actively refuse assistance. Throughout my years of experience providing care for loved ones, I’ve encountered a variety of reasons why caregivers deny […]

Create Your All-Star Care Team in 5 Steps

In this country, there is a growing problem regarding a lack of supportive resources for family caregivers. There are government programs, charities, and nonprofits that might be able to help intermittently, but what caregivers often need most is sound advice, regular respite and an extra set of hands.

The Power of Sharing Our Stories

My friend runs an assisted living residence not far from where I live. When she called to say she had a mitzvah (a good deed) for me that was “right up my alley,” I was wary, to put it mildly. She explained that she was running an event where the residents would play a game […]

How to Identify and Minimize Caregiver Burden

BY CAROL BRADLEY BURSACK Most of us have heard of caregiver burnout or are familiar with the trials and tribulations involved with providing care for a loved one. While we may be aware of these unique “occupational hazards,” many family caregivers feel that they are powerless to change their situation and turn a blind eye to […]