Monthly Archives: August 2018

Finding Support for Seniors Facing Challenges Living Alone

YOUR PARENT PRIZES HIS or her independence and insists on living at home, alone. However, you see signs of vulnerability and a precarious situation with the potential for falls and injury, poor nutrition and your parent becoming neglected or housebound. You want to help, but you live at a distance and don’t know where to start. Concerned children can build […]

7 Ways to Fight Caregiver Stress

Caring for a loved one can be overwhelming. And as the population ages, more and more family members are taking on that role. In fact, the Mayo Clinic estimates that informal caregivers provide 80 percent of long-term care in the U.S. If you’re tackling the responsibility of caring for a loved one on top of work, […]

4 Things You Should Never Say to a Caregiver

FAMILY AND FRIENDS ARE supposed to be our closest allies. We rely on them for support and enjoy celebrating life’s joys with them. But there are two times when we feel alone. One is at the end of our lives because people stop visiting; the other is when we become a caregiver.

Therapeutic Lying to Comfort Loved Ones With Dementia

Sometimes, the truth can cause sufferers to grieve anew. WHEN A LOVED ONE ASKS, “Where’s Ma?” as my father often did, referring to my mother, I’d hesitatingly reply, “Well, uh, you know she died three years ago.” He’d look at me, shocked, then lower his head and retreat to his bedroom in our home. Each time […]

How to Be a Great Caregiver

Taking care of someone with a chronic illness like cancer poses unique challenges. But millions of parents, children, siblings, partners, friends, neighbors, sisters, daughters and sons put their lives on hold to take care of someone they love. Every day they put someone else ahead of themselves and sacrifice their own personal priorities.