13 Secrets that Make Caregiving Easier

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Caregivers struggle with their occupations consistently. As one issue is solved, another test arise. At the point when caregivers figures deal with an elderly relative, the parts are reversed.These ideas can get you in the right “mentality” for caregiving – and we hope make your life somewhat less demanding.


Remember the Person Inside

Your parent is likely different mentally and/or physically than the way you remember from years past. To respond to your parent’s needs, you have to know him/her – and you do, probably better than most people. Always keep in mind that your parents may have changed, they are the same person on the inside.

 Re-Think Personal Boundaries

When it comes to personal boundaries – what can be talked about and what physical assistance can be given – flexibility and complete honesty is key.

 Have Patience

Patience really is a virtue when it comes to caregiving. There will be times when everything your parent does is annoying, frustrating or downright dumb. But don’t take it out on them


When you are providing the most intimate care to an elderly person, they must trust you completely. And you must trust yourself. Have faith in your ability to be a caregiver. Make decisions based on the situation and perform your role with confidence. It can be frightening, but you have to have the courage to do the best you can. And most importantly, seek help when you need it!

 Arm Yourself with Knowledge

Find information from healthcare professionals, the internet or friends who have gone through similar situations. Knowledge is power. It can guide you and instill confidence. Furthermore, when you demonstrate that you are competent to make decisions about their care, your loved one will relax and become more compliant with the regimens that you develop.

Do It From the Heart

Caregiving is a selfless act. Make it something you want to do…not have to do. It’s always easier to do something that you want to do.

Have Humility

Be willing to learn from your loved one and avoid arrogance that may come from frustration. They can still teach important lessons about life and love. Don’t disregard their opinion without giving it some thought. Take time to consider their point of view.

Look for Non-Verbal Clues

Body language is a big part of human communication and interaction. Your elderly parent may be visibly uncomfortable or agitated, but unable to express what is wrong. Be sensitive to subtle non-verbal cues. Your loved one’s responses, no matter how simple, open the door for you to more accurately understand what they need, or how much they need.

Be Responsive…with Limits

This doesn’t mean you have to jump every time your parent calls. But also don’t ignore your loved one when they express a need. Even if you have to explain that the request is not possible, or that you can’t get to it right now, let them know that you heard them. If they think you are ignoring them, they will likely become angry, and then you have a new problem on your hands.

 Be Present

With caregiving comes an endless list of tasks. But don’t get caught in the trap of just trying to get it all done and working “around” your loved one. Take the time to notice what’s in their eyes, their tone of voice, and what they are saying. Take a few minutes to spend time with them and try to enjoy their company.

Communicate with Touch

As we get caught up in the day-to-day tasks of caregiving, we sometimes forget to show affection. Too often, we only touch our parents when we’re helping them get up, or dress. Attention and affection makes your parent feel like less of a burden. They’ll feel more comfortable, less frightened and more important.

Be Non-Judgmental

Getting old isn’t easy to accept. As they age, your parent still has a powerful urge to stay independent and in control of their own lives for as long as possible. In their place, wouldn’t you feel the same way? Have resilience, and practice non-judgment. Placed yourself in their shoes

Build Teamwork

Cooperate, not against each other. Being a parental figure requires cooperation in the middle of you and your cherished one. Everything is somewhat less demanding when you’re working with somebody, instead of against them. Cooperating streamlines time and exertion and assembles certainty.

Article Source: https://www.agingcare.com/Articles/make-caregiving-easier-141826.htm