Monthly Archives: July 2016

Understanding Behavior as Communication

As dementia affects the brain of our loved one, it can be difficult to understand what he or she is trying to communicate with us through their behaviors. Dementia takes away the ability to express feelings in the way that someone with a healthy brain is able to. To effectively manage difficult behaviors, we must […]

Important Steps to Remember for Pneumonia Caregiving

Supporting somebody after they have been sent home from the hospital because of pneumonia is absolutely crucial. The older a person is, the more life-threatening pneumonia can be. It is a viral infection that can be dangerous for people of all ages, but is extremely severe for infants and seniors, especially those with a weaker […]

Living With an Arrhythmia

An arrhythmia is a problem with the speed or rhythm of the heartbeat. During an arrhythmia, the heart can beat too fast, too slow, or with an irregular rhythm. A heartbeat that is too fast is called tachycardia. A heartbeat that is too slow is called bradycardia. Most arrhythmias are harmless, but some can be […]


Whether you live with a Parkinson’s patient, or help a family member or friend with Parkinson’s often, you likely face some of the issues associated with “caregivers.” As a caregiver, your state of mind and overall health can impact your ability to provide the care your loved one needs, at the level you want to […]

Late Stage and End-of-Life Care

In the final stages of many terminal illnesses, care priorities tend to shift. Instead of ongoing curative measures, the focus often changes to palliative care for the relief of pain, symptoms, and emotional stress. Ensuring a loved one’s final months, weeks, or days are as good as they can be requires more than just a […]