The burden of being a caregiver

About one in every six people is a caregiver – for an aging parent, a special needs family member, or a wounded veteran. Many caregivers are aging themselves – about 30% fall in this category. Many others are sandwiched between caring for elderly relatives and providing child care, a double burden. Most caregivers are employed and the weight of their responsibilities takes a high toll on many aspects of their lives, including their work.

Studies show that the heavy responsibilities of caring for ill or elderly family members also increases the chances that the caregivers themselves will experience financial, physical, and emotional problems. Many are forced to put their own career goals on hold or work reduced hours, and the health risks associated with caregiving are high.

  • Total Care EAP offers 24/7 help and resources.
  • Confidential services are available with trained counselors by phone, as well as through an extensive network of specialized counselors and professionals.
  • An Eldercare Service Locator can identify the services in a particular geographic area and deliver a comprehensive report of available options.
  • Personal assistants can help members find help and resources for solving practical problems, such as meals on wheels, transportation services and adult day care.
  • A full array of wellness options and stress counseling can help the caregiver address their own wellbeing and an extensive array of caregiving and eldercare tools, articles and informational resources in our online self-help centers.
  • Professional staff members are available throughout to guide and counsel the member through difficult decisions.

Originally written by,

ESI Group
